OCTOBER 19, 2020, 6:00 AM
EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”), today announced that the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) has accepted the Company’s notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid.
Under the terms of the normal course issuer bid, EnWave may acquire up to 10,918,104 common shares, representing 10% of the public float of EnWave as of October 19, 2020. In the opinion of the Company’s Board of Directors, its common shares have been trading at prices that do not reflect the underlying value of the Company including its royalty portfolio, its strong financial position and the growth opportunities. Accordingly, EnWave believes that purchasing and returning its common shares to treasury represents an opportunity to enhance value for its ongoing shareholders. EnWave’s cash position allows for the implementation of the bid without adversely affecting the Company’s other opportunities.
As of October 19, 2020, the Company had 111,409,755 common shares outstanding. Under TSXV policies, EnWave is entitled to purchase up to 2,228,195 shares in any 30 day period up to the maximum of 10,918,104 shares.
The purchases may commence on October 22, 2020 and will end on October 21, 2021, or on such earlier date as EnWave may complete its purchases pursuant to the notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid filed with the TSXV. The actual number of common shares which will be purchased and the timing of any such purchases will be determined by the Company. All shares purchased by the Company will be on the open market through the facilities of TSXV by Cormark Securities Inc. acting on behalf of EnWave in accordance with the policies of the TSXV and will be surrendered by the Company to its transfer agent for cancellation. The prices that EnWave will pay for any of the common shares purchased will be the market price of the shares at the time of acquisition.
REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証されており、合法的な大麻を含む食品、医薬品分野の複数の市場垂直方向で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場において革新的で破壊的な企業とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。現在までに30件以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブは有限責任会社NutraDried Food Company, LLCを設立し、MoonCheese®ブランドを含む米国内の天然乳製品スナック製品の製造、マーケティング、販売を行っている。
エンウェーブの詳細については、www.enwave.net をご覧ください。
Brent Charleton, CFA
社長兼 CEO 電話: +1 (778) 378-9616
Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
最高財務責任者 電話: +1 (604) 835-5212