EnWave Signs Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement with Extrx OY

September 21, 2020

SEPTEMBER 21, 2020, 6:00 AM

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”)announced today that it has signed a Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement (the “Agreement”) with Extrx OY (“Extrx”) to evaluate the potential commercial use of the Company’s Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration technology for the dehydration of a variety of wild arctic berry products in Finland.

During the term of the Agreement, Extrx will rent a 10kW REV™ machine for intensive product development at its facility in Northern Finland with the assistance of EnWave’s expert food scientists. If commercially viable products are developed under the Agreement, Extrx will purchase REV™ machinery to commence commercial production in 2021.

The expansion of EnWave’s global royalty-partner network to Finland further demonstrates the significant value proposition of REV™ technology for food producers seeking to launch new and innovative premium ingredients and snack food applications. EnWave has developed a comprehensive intellectual property portfolio with patents granted in numerous international markets and has licensed REV™ technology to more than forty companies in eighteen countries worldwide.

About Extrx OY

Extrx is a Finnish company that produces high-quality anthocyanin extract, alongside with other nutraceutical products and functional foods from wild arctic berries. Besides extract, Extrx’s product line includes juices, fresh purees rich in fiber, dried berry products with high nutritional values, and various other products. The wild arctic berries are hand-picked and immediately frozen to avoid losing any single component of those super berries. Extrx specializes in creating value-add B2B products from nature’s own superfood, arctic berries, for the food & beverage, nutraceutical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.




REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証されており、合法的な大麻を含む食品、医薬品分野の複数の市場垂直方向で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場において革新的で破壊的な企業とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。現在までに30件以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブは有限責任会社NutraDried Food Company, LLCを設立し、MoonCheese®ブランドを含む米国内の天然乳製品スナック製品の製造、マーケティング、販売を行っている。


エンウェーブの詳細については、www.enwave.net をご覧ください。




Brent Charleton, CFA
社長兼 CEO 電話: +1 (778) 378-9616

Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
最高財務責任者 電話: +1 (604) 835-5212

