EnWave Signs Commercial License Agreement with Pacifico Snacks in Colombia and Receives Purchase Order for REV™ Machine

January 23, 2020

JANUARY 23, 2020, 10:00 AM

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”), announced today that it has signed a royalty-bearing commercial license agreement (the “License”) with Pacifico Snacks S.A.S. (“Pacifico Snacks”) to produce REV™ dried fruit snacks for the North American grocery market. Under the terms of the License, Pacifico Snacks purchased a 10kW commercial Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) machine to initiate commercial production in Colombia.

The License grants Pacifico Snacks the exclusive right to produce certain types of mango, pineapple and banana products within Colombia. With extensive expertise in the private label production of fruit snack applications, this new premium product offering will further enhance Pacifico Snack’s reputation as a leading private-label supplier to major North American grocers.

This License is the first signed by EnWave in Colombia and the 38th worldwide, further proving the value proposition of REV™ technology as a tool to create innovative, premium food applications. With access to low cost, high quality local raw materials in Columbia, Pacifico plans to produce clean label, better-for-you snack offerings using REV™.

Pursuant to the terms of the License, Pacifico Snacks has royalty payment obligations to the Company and additional future undisclosed REV™ machine purchase order requirements that must be met in order to maintain their exclusive rights. The other terms of the License are confidential.

About Pacifico Snacks

Pacifico Snacks is a woman-owned and operated business that produces natural snacks for specialty food retailers. The company specializes in private-label production of high-quality, desirable, and innovative plantain and cassava chips that delight its consumers and impact the bottom line of major retailers.

Pacifico Snacks started operations in 2011, with the aim to contribute to peace in Colombia through the fusion of amazingly delicious snacks with effective means to transform Colombian marginalized rural settings emerging from conflict into cohesive collaborative communities. Currently, all production is exported to the US and sold at a national level in top grocery retailers under private labels.

For more information, please visit www.pacificosnacks.com.



バンクーバーを拠点とする先端技術企業、エンウェーブ・コーポレーションは、有機材料を精密に脱水する革新的な独自手法であるラジアント・エナジー・バキューム(REV™)を開発した。REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証済みで、食品、合法大麻、製薬の各分野で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場における業界大手とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。同社は現在までに20以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結しており、革新的な新製品の商業化に向けて8つの市場分野を開拓している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブはNutraDried LLPという有限責任事業組合を設立し、米国でMoon Cheese®ブランドのナチュラルチーズスナック製品の開発、製造、マーケティング、販売を行っています。





ジョン・バドレスキー(エグゼクティブ・チェアマン) 電話:+1 (416) 930-0914

ブレント・チャールトン、営業・事業開発担当シニア・バイス・プレジデント、電話:+1 (778) 378-9616

Deborah Honig, Corporate Development, Adelaide Capital Markets 電話:+1 (647) 203-8793

