EnWave社、Dole Worldwide Food & Beverage Groupと120kW放射エネルギー真空装置購入契約を締結
バンクーバー, BC
EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) announced today that it has signed an Equipment Purchase Agreement with Dole Worldwide Food & Beverage Group, a division of Dole Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“Dole”) to supply a 120kW Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration processing line that will materially increase Dole’s vacuum-microwave processing capabilities. EnWave and Dole previously announced plans for a Global Strategic Partnership in August 2021 with the intent of jointly developing innovative nutrition solutions using fruits and vegetables.
Dole believes access to good nutrition should be like sunshine, available, affordable and accessible to all. Partnering with EnWave allows for collaboration to develop fruit and vegetable snack and ingredient innovations, together.
EnWave’s REV™ technology provides a gentle, rapid drying solution that allows for the production of innovative, nutritious and convenient food applications while partnering with Dole in achieving its company purpose.
The strategic partnership with Dole will leverage the company’s industry-leading brand alongside EnWave’s patented dehydration technology to bring better-for-you snacking options to its global customer base, as part of Dole’s Sunshine for All commitment. Both companies are intent on growing this partnership.
About Dole Worldwide Food & Beverages Group
Dole Food & Beverages Group, a division of Dole Asia Holdings, is a world leader in growing, sourcing, distributing, and marketing fruit and healthy snacks. Headquartered in Singapore, Dole sells a full line of packaged shelf stable fruit, frozen fruit, dried fruit, and juices. The company focuses on four pillars of sustainability in all its operations: water management, carbon footprint, soil conservation and waste reduction. For more information, please visit sunshineforall.com.
EnWave社は、真空マイクロ波脱水の革新と応用の世界的リーダーです。EnWave社は、BC州バンクーバーに本社を置き、強固な知的財産ポートフォリオを開発し、Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV™) 技術を完成させ、革新的なアイデアを、食品、医薬品、大麻産業向けの実証済みで、一貫性があり、拡張可能な乾燥ソリューションに変えました。
- 食品・素材企業は、エキサイティングな新製品を製造し、最適な水分レベルに最大7倍早く到達し、製品の味、食感、色、栄養価を改善することができる。
- 大麻生産者は、4~6倍速く乾燥させ、テルペンを最大20%、カンナビノイドを25%多く保持し、作物を破壊する微生物を少なくとも3ログ減少させることができる。
EnWave Corporation
Mr. Brent Charleton, CFA
Brent Charleton, CFA
社長兼 CEO 電話: +1 (778) 378-9616
Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
最高財務責任者 電話: +1 (604) 835-5212