EnWave Signs Equipment Purchase Agreement with Nanuva Ingredients to Expand Commercial Manufacturing Capacity in Chile

February 9, 2021


EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) announced today that it has signed a third Equipment Purchase Agreement (“EPA”) with Natural Nutrition SpA d.b.a. Nanuva Ingredients (“Nanuva”) for Nanuva’s operations in Chile.  This EPA calls for the construction and commissioning of an additional two 10kW Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration machines. Nanuva currently uses REV™ technology to produce high-quality fruit snacks, ingredients and powders that are sold on a business-to-business basis internationally. The additional two 10kW REV™ machines will significantly increase Nanuva’s commercial manufacturing capacity, allowing them to meet their growing market demand.

Nanuva first entered a royalty-bearing commercial license to use EnWave’s patented dehydration technology to process premium South American fruits in 2014. Over the duration of this partnership, Nanuva has steadily increased its REV™ manufacturing capacity. Nanuva anticipates additional growth in the coming years and expects to expand upon the five 10kW machines they plan to have in operation by mid 2021.

Nanuva produces a broad portfolio of premium fruit products that includes apple, blackberry, blueberry, and pineapple, as well as superfoods such as maquiberry, and rosehip. Nanuva has experienced growing product demand for export into the U.S. market and gained new contract manufacturing opportunities, resulting in this need for additional REV™ capacity to satisfy demand.

In recognition of increasing demand for small scale REV™ machines, EnWave had previously commenced production of a number of 10kW units.  Two of these units will now be dedicated and completed for the Nanuva EPA with anticipated delivery and commissioning in late Spring 2021.

EnWave’s patented vacuum-microwave drying technology is a proven method for producing premium dried fruit products with optimal nutritional retention, enhanced textures and vibrant colours. To date, EnWave has signed 14 royalty-bearing commercial licenses for the processing of premium agricultural products in 12 countries around the world.

In total, EnWave now has 41 active royalty-bearing licenses in place with food, cannabis and pharmaceutical companies for the use of REV™ technology.

About Nanuva Ingredients

Natural Nutrition SpA (d.b.a. “Nanuva Ingredients”) aims to deliver 100% natural products with no additives that are healthy and safe for the global ingredients industry, while minimizing the loss of the nutritional value of the fresh ingredients.  Nanuva Ingredients is strategically located near the fruit growing center in the Bíobío Region, in the South of Chile.

Nanuva Ingredients is at the forefront of agro-industrial innovation, using REV™ technology and sourcing the most premium raw materials to create healthy and sustainable fruit powders, ingredients and fragments for both consumers and industrial clientele. Nanuva Ingredients is recognized by its customers for its premium products that have market-leading flavours, colours shapes and nutritional value like those of fresh fruit.  Nanuva Ingredient’s products are used as healthy ingredients in the snack food, functional food, nutraceutical and cosmetics industry.

For more information on Nanuva Ingredients, please visit www.nanuva.cl.




REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証されており、合法的な大麻を含む食品、医薬品分野の複数の市場垂直方向で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場において革新的で破壊的な企業とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。現在までに30件以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブは有限責任会社NutraDried Food Company, LLCを設立し、MoonCheese®ブランドを含む米国内の天然乳製品スナック製品の製造、マーケティング、販売を行っている。


エンウェーブの詳細については、www.enwave.net をご覧ください。




Brent Charleton, CFA
社長兼 CEO 電話: +1 (778) 378-9616

Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
最高財務責任者 電話: +1 (604) 835-5212

