EnWave Signs Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement with NuWave Foods Inc. to Develop Shelf-Stable Baked Goods
MAY 14, 2020 | 6:00 AM
EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”), announced today that it has signed a Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement (the “Agreement”) with a Canadian food company NuWave Foods Inc. (“NuWave”) to evaluate the potential commercial use of the Company’s Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration technology. NuWave operates a fully licensed commercial kitchen and bakery operation in Edmonton, Alberta, and is focused on the development of new and innovative shelf-stable donut and fritter products.
During the term of the Agreement, NuWave will rent a 10kW REV™ machine for intensive product development at its facility in Edmonton. NuWave has been granted an exclusive option to license REV™ technology in Canada and the U.S. for shelf-stable donut and fritter products. If commercially viable products are developed under the Agreement, NuWave will potentially purchase REV™ machinery to commence commercial production at its facility in Edmonton.
EnWave’s proprietary dehydration technology has broad applications in the processing of innovative food products. REV™ technology enables baked goods processors to produce shelf-stable baked goods without using added preservatives, eliminating cold-storage and elongating product life. EnWave holds a robust intellectual property portfolio spanning numerous international markets and has licensed REV™ technology to more than thirty food companies in over sixteen countries worldwide.
About NuWave Foods Inc.
NuWave is a 51% owned subsidiary of Blackhawk Growth Corp. (CSE:BLR). NuWave is a fully licensed commercial kitchen and baked goods manufacturer located in Edmonton, Alberta. NuWave is focused on the development and commercialization of shelf-stable baked products, without the use of any preservatives. NuWave was formed as a joint partnership between a group of like-minded professionals seeking to leverage their considerable contacts in North America’s food industry to rapidly become a leader in the rapidly changing space. NuWave seeks to leverage innovative food technologies to introduce new food products into the North American market.
バンクーバーを拠点とする先端技術企業、エンウェーブ・コーポレーションは、有機材料を精密に脱水する革新的な独自手法であるラジアント・エナジー・バキューム(REV™)を開発した。REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証済みで、食品、合法大麻、製薬の各分野で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場における業界大手とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。同社は現在までに20以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結しており、革新的な新製品の商業化に向けて8つの市場分野を開拓している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブはNutraDried LLPという有限責任事業組合を設立し、米国でMoon Cheese®ブランドのナチュラルチーズスナック製品の開発、製造、マーケティング、販売を行っています。
ジョン・バドレスキー(エグゼクティブ・チェアマン) 電話:+1 (416) 930-0914
ブレント・チャールトン、営業・事業開発担当シニア・バイス・プレジデント、電話:+1 (778) 378-9616
Deborah Honig, Corporate Development, Adelaide Capital Markets 電話:+1 (647) 203-8793