

バンクーバー, BC

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) today reported the Company’s consolidated financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year-ended September 30, 2022.

  • Reported record annual royalty revenue of $1.35 million representing an increase of 47% over the prior year.
  • Completed the facility construction and SQF certification at REVworx and developed a robust pipeline of commercial tolling opportunities with global food companies.
  • Maintained a consolidated gross margin of 27% in an inflationary economic backdrop.
  • Reported an Adjusted EBITDA(1) loss of $3.4 million, largely due to input price increases and low economies of scale in NutraDried’s segment.
  • EnWave’s pipeline of prospective new royalty-bearing license and machine sale opportunities continues to be robust with continued adoption across the food industry for functional and healthy snacking, as well as the rapid drying of cannabis applications.



Key Financial Highlights for Q4 (expressed in ‘000s):

  • The Company reported consolidated revenue for Q4 2022 of $4,971 compared to $6,906 in Q4 2021 a decrease of $1,935 or 28%.
    • EnWave’s Q4 2022 segment revenue was $2,824 compared to $3,879 in Q4 2021, a decrease of $1,055 or 27%. The decrease is partly due to timing of revenue recognized on large-scale contracts. As at September 30, 2022, EnWave had two large-scale machines in its order backlog for which the majority of revenues will be recorded in Fiscal 2023.
    • Q4 2022 royalty revenue was $290 compared to $245 in Q4 2021, an increase of $45 or 18%.
    • NutraDried’s Q4 2022 segment revenue was $2,147 compared to $3,027 for Q4 2021, a decrease of $880 largely due to lower bulk and ingredient sales for the current period.
  • Gross margin for Q4 2022 was 15% compared to 34% for Q4 2021. In Q4 2021 a fully fabricated large-scale machine was resold for a one-time substantial margin that was not repeated in Q4 2022. NutraDried experienced substantial margin compression in Q4 2022 with higher cheese pricing increasing its cost of goods.
    • EnWave generated a Q4 2022 gross margin of 39% while NutraDried generated a negative gross margin of 15% in the period.
  • Adjusted EBITDA(*) loss, a non-IFRS financial measure, for Q4 2022 was $1,479 compared to $223 for Q4 2021 a decrease of $1,256. The wider loss was largely driven by the NutraDried segment’s higher cost of goods in Q4 2022 driven by the higher cost of cheese.
  • SG&A expenses (including R&D) were $2,933 for Q4 2022 compared to $3,167 for Q4 2021, a decrease of $234. We reduced G&A costs as part of a continued focus on managing non-revenue generating spending, while increasing the investment into S&M to further develop the market for EnWave’s proprietary REV™ technology.

Significant Corporate Accomplishments in Q4 2022 and Subsequently:

  • Signed an equipment purchase agreement with Dole to deliver a 120kW large-scale REV™ machine to Asia, and leased Dole two additional 10kW REV™ machines to bridge production capacity until the large-scale 120kW machine is commissioned. Dole has developed a line of better-for-you snack products under the brand Good Crunch™ (https://www.dolefoodservice.com/good-crunch) that are produced using EnWave’s REV™ technology.
  • Signed an equipment purchase agreement with our Major Japanese Royalty Partner that is a leading global snack manufacturing company to deliver a 60kW large-scale REVTM The Major Japanese Royalty Partner plans to launch an innovative line better-for-you snacks in Japan using REVTM technology.
  • Obtained Safe Quality Food certification for the REVworx toll drying facility and completed a number of test production runs for prospective customers.
  • Signed 4 new technology evaluation agreements with companies operating in the global food and cannabis industries. Under these agreements the prospective licensees will develop new products using REV™ technology and have been granted an option to obtain a royalty-bearing commercial license.


EnWave’s executive management will be holding a conference call to discuss its 2022 Fourth Quarter and 2022 Annual Financial Results and the Company’s state of affairs.  Prepared remarks will be given followed by a question-and-answer session for shareholders.

開催日2022 年 12 月 16 日
時間:7:00am PST / 10:00am EST
ウェブキャスト :https://event.choruscall.com/mediaframe/webcast.html?webcastid=Byr4fLNc



This news release refers to Adjusted EBITDA which is a non-IFRS financial measure. We define Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before deducting amortization and depreciation, stock-based compensation, foreign exchange gain or loss, finance expense or income, income tax expense or recovery,  non-recurring impairment, restructuring and/or severance charges, and government assistance. This measure is not necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies and should not be construed as an alternative to net income or cash flow from operating activities as determined in accordance with IFRS. Please refer to the reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and the most comparable IFRS financial measure reported in the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

非IFRS財務指標は、投資家がエンウエイブの経営陣と同様の方法で当社の経営成績、基礎的業績および見通しを評価できるようにするため、IFRSに準拠して作成された他のデータとともに考慮されるべきである。したがって、これらの非IFRS財務指標は、追加的な情報を提供することを意図しており、IFRSに準拠して作成された業績指標を単独で、または代替するものとして考慮すべきではありません。詳細については、www.sedar.com で入手可能な当社の MD&A の「非IFRS財務指標 」の項をご参照ください。


EnWave社は、真空マイクロ波脱水の革新と応用の世界的リーダーです。EnWave社は、BC州バンクーバーに本社を置き、強固な知的財産ポートフォリオを開発し、Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV™) 技術を完成させ、革新的なアイデアを、食品、医薬品、大麻産業向けの実証済みで、一貫性があり、拡張可能な乾燥ソリューションに変えました。



- 食品・素材企業は、エキサイティングな新製品を製造し、最適な水分レベルに最大7倍早く到達し、製品の味、食感、色、栄養価を改善することができる。

- 大麻生産者は、4~6倍速く乾燥させ、テルペンを最大20%、カンナビノイドを25%多く保持し、作物を破壊する微生物を少なくとも3ログ減少させることができる。


EnWave Corporation

Mr. Brent Charleton, CFA


Brent Charleton, CFA
社長兼 CEO 電話: +1 (778) 378-9616

Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
最高財務責任者 電話: +1 (604) 835-5212


