EnWave Provides Update on Bonduelle’s Commercial Progress for InFlavor Frozen Vegetable Brand
SEPTEMBER 30, 2019,6:00 AM
EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) today provides an update on the commercialization efforts of Bonduelle Group (“Bonduelle”), a long-time royalty partner of the Company.
Bonduelle introduced its InFlavor brand of premium frozen vegetables to many food service clients in early 2019, generating material commercial interest including receiving The Grande Enterprise award for its revolutionary InFlavor process from ADRIQ. Based on Bonduelle’s positive commercial momentum, EnWave had previously agreed to extend Bonduelle’s exclusivity period to use its Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) technology for the production of dehydrofrozen vegetables in North America until September 30, 2019. This extension included a requirement to purchase a commercial-scale 400kW REV™ machine prior to the aforementioned date.
In July, and following its initial introduction to the food service industry, Bonduelle launched the InFlavor dehydrofrozen line of vegetables in North America through its well-known Arctic Garden retail brand. Arctic Garden products are now available to consumers at retailers across Canada in fajita mix, pizza mix and diced onion varieties. This direct-to-consumer initiative aims to justify the potential purchase of additional REV™ dehydration machines from EnWave in the near future, but will not do so before September 30, 2019.
Bonduelle remains committed to the commercialization of its unique and premium InFlavor product portfolio. With the launch of InFlavor into the food service and retail verticals recently underway; Bonduelle has delayed its prospective commitment to an additional REV™ purchase order. This delay triggers the conversion of its royalty-bearing license to be non-exclusive and thus allows EnWave to now pursue additional partners in the same product area. Bonduelle will continue to build market demand for the InFlavor line and pay an undisclosed royalty on all REVTM products produced under its commercial license agreement with EnWave.
Both parties plan to continue their strong collaboration and work towards increased commercial success that will support further investment in REV™ drying capacity.
About Bonduelle
Bonduelle, a family business, was established in 1853. Its mission is to be the world reference in “well-living” through plant-based food. Prioritizing innovation and long-term vision, the group is diversifying its operations and geographical presence. Its vegetables, grown over more than 130,000 hectares all over the world, are sold in 100 countries under various brand names and through various distribution channels and technologies. An expert in agro-industry with 56 industrial sites or owned agricultural production sites, Bonduelle produces quality products by selecting the best crop areas close to its customers.
For more information about Bonduelle, please visit www.bonduelle.com
バンクーバーを拠点とする先端技術企業、エンウェーブ・コーポレーションは、有機材料を精密に脱水する革新的な独自手法であるラジアント・エナジー・バキューム(REV™)を開発した。REV™技術の商業的可能性は実証済みで、食品、合法大麻、製薬の各分野で急速に成長しています。エンウェーブの戦略は、REV™技術の使用に関して、複数の垂直市場における業界大手とロイヤリティを伴う商業ライセンスを締結することです。同社は現在までに20以上のロイヤリティ付きライセンスを締結しており、革新的な新製品の商業化に向けて8つの市場分野を開拓している。これらのライセンスに加え、エンウェーブはNutraDried LLPという有限責任事業組合を設立し、米国でMoon Cheese®ブランドのナチュラルチーズスナック製品の開発、製造、マーケティング、販売を行っています。
ジョン・バドレスキー(エグゼクティブ・チェアマン) 電話:+1 (416) 930-0914
ブレント・チャールトン、営業・事業開発担当シニア・バイス・プレジデント、電話:+1 (778) 378-9616
Deborah Honig, Corporate Development, Adelaide Capital Markets 電話:+1 (647) 203-8793