EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) a global leader in vacuum-microwave dehydration technology, has announced the signing of a royalty-bearing commercial license (the “License”) with Bridgford Foods Corporation (NASDAQ: BRID) (“Bridgford”) a leading American food production company, for the manufacture of certain military ration products using EnWave’s innovative Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration technology. The exclusive license granted to Bridgford will enable the company to leverage the full potential of REV™ technology to produce certain military ration products in the United States of America. Bridgford has also purchased a 120kW REV™ machine.
EnWave’s partnership with Bridgford is supported by a manufacturing technology grant, which will guarantee the U.S. Department of Defense certain REV™ manufacturing capacity at Bridgford’s facility to supply close combat field rations.
In addition to military ration products, Bridgford will also leverage REV™ technology to develop additional consumer-branded products at their North Carolina facility. The 120kW REV™ dehydration machine sold to Bridgford is expected to be commissioned within 2023. EnWave plans to continue close collaboration with Bridgford to expedite the development of new commercial products, which will be added to Bridgford’s License in due course. With Bridgford’s established presence in California, Texas, Illinois, and North Carolina, EnWave is confident that this partnership should lead to significant growth opportunities for both companies.
About Bridgford Foods
Bridgford Foods Corporation, a California corporation, was organized in 1952. Bridgford originally began operations in 1932 as a retail meat market in San Diego, California and evolved into a meat wholesaler for hotels and restaurants, a distributor of frozen food products, a processor and packer of meat, and a manufacturer and distributor of frozen food products for sale on a retail and wholesale basis. Currently, Bridgford and its subsidiaries are primarily engaged in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of an extensive line of frozen and snack food products throughout the United States.
For over 90 years, the mission of Bridgford Foods Corporation has been to develop, produce, sell and distribute superior quality food products that provide a consistent value to their customers. Bridgford adheres to the highest ethical standards. They treat their customers and employees with honesty, respect, dignity and appreciation. Bridgford believes that they wrap their future in every package, and they stand behind the products they sell 100%. Bridgford believes that innovation is essential to the future success of their business, and they strive to be industry trendsetters in the development of new products.
For more information about Bridgford Foods, please visit www.bridgford.com.
EnWave is a global leader in the innovation and application of vacuum microwave dehydration. From its headquarters in Vancouver, BC, EnWave has developed a robust intellectual property portfolio, perfected its Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV™) technology, and transformed an innovative idea into a proven, consistent, and scalable drying solution for the food, pharmaceutical and cannabis industries that vastly outperforms traditional drying methods in efficiency, capacity, product quality, and cost.
With more than fifty royalty-generating partners spanning twenty countries and five continents, EnWave’s licensed partners are creating profitable, never-before-seen snacks and ingredients, improving the quality and consistency of their existing offerings, running leaner and getting to market faster with the company’s patented technology, licensed machinery, and expert guidance.
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ブレント・チャールトン CFA
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ディラン・マレイ、CFO、電話:+1 (778) 870-0729
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