EnWave Signs Equipment Purchase Agreement with Calbee Inc. to Expand Commercial Manufacturing Capacity
VANCOUVER, JUNE 19TH 2020, 6:00 AM
EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) today provides a corporate update on its recent corporate activities, operations, and market evolution.
Cannabis Installation Update
EnWave has successfully installed a 60kW Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV”) processing line for its licensed partner, The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. (“TGOD”) in Ancaster, Ontario. The Company is working through the final stages of training TGOD personnel on the commercial use of EnWave’s machinery for the dehydration of cannabis and expects to begin accruing royalties henceforth. The installation and training were delayed due to the impacts of COVID-19, but with improving conditions, EnWave was able to send qualified personnel within Canada to complete this installation and training.
The Company is also in the final stages of fabricating two 120kW REV™ machines for Aurora Cannabis Inc. (“Aurora”). In early 2020, Aurora contracted EnWave to make several upgrades to its two REV™ machines in order to satisfy revised requirements, which subsequently elongated the manufacturing timeline but resulted in additional payments to the Company.
EnWave has also offered to complete remote 10kW REV™ machine installations to Cann Group in Australia and Helius Therapeutics in New Zealand, both current royalty partners. The Company hopes to confirm these installations in the near term.
REV™ Technology Business Development Update
The Company has continued to advance its sales and business development plan despite many of the headwinds presented by the global economic downturn propagated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges caused by COVID-19, the Company secured three new technology evaluation agreements with machine rentals through the last three months. There are several existing EnWave royalty partners that have 10kW machines installed under license that are evaluating the scale-up to larger REVTM machines, and the Company anticipates securing new purchase contracts for repeat and large-scale REV™ machines as the global economy begins to recover and international travel restrictions are lightened.
NutraDried Update
NutraDried has expanded its product offering of better-for-you, all-natural cheese snacks with the launch of a new white cheddar with black pepper flavour. The new flavour is currently being sold online and the Company plans to expand to retail distribution in the coming months.
NutraDried has also taken steps to leverage its manufacturing capabilities to produce shelf-stable cheese snacks for private label and ingredient opportunities. The Company has already secured several distribution opportunities for bulk shelf-stable cheese products and is pursuing a wide number of additional contract manufacturing opportunities for this new product offering. The contract manufacturing revenues will complement NutraDried’s branded snack offerings to drive volume and create operating leverage with the objective of enhancing gross margin in that business unit.
Grant of Equity Incentive Instruments
The Company has granted an aggregate of 500,000 incentive stock options pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan (the “Plan”) to certain directors and officers of the Company (the “Incentive Options”). The Incentive Options are exercisable at a price of $1.25 per share and are exercisable for a term of five years expiring on June 17, 2025. The Incentive Options have been structured with performance-based vesting conditions in accordance with the Plan, and will vest upon the later of a) eighteen months from the date of grant, or b) when the Company’s share price on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) achieves a volume-weighted average price (“VWAP”) for twenty consecutive trading days of $1.50 or greater. The Incentive Options are subject to approval by the TSXV.
The Company has granted an aggregate of 260,000 restricted share rights pursuant to the Company’s Restricted Share Rights Plan to certain directors and officers of the Company (the “RSRs”). The RSRs will vest three years from the date of award for each independent director, and will vest three years from the date of award and subject to the Company’s share price on the TSXV achieving a VWAP for twenty consecutive trading days of $1.50 or greater for the senior management of the Company. If the VWAP vesting performance condition is not met within the three-year life of the instrument, then no common shares of the Company will be issued in respect of the RSRs. The RSRs are subject to approval by the TSXV.
The Company’s Board of Directors consulted with a third-party executive compensation specialist to conduct a benchmarking study as part of the evaluation and approval process for the equity incentive instruments. The resulting performance-based vesting conditions implemented were designed to create proper alignment between management incentives and creating shareholder value.
À propos d'EnWave
EnWave Corporation, une société de technologie avancée basée à Vancouver, a mis au point un vide à énergie radiante ("REV™") - une méthode innovante et exclusive pour la déshydratation précise des matières organiques. EnWave a en outre développé des méthodes brevetées pour sécher et décontaminer uniformément le cannabis grâce à l'utilisation de la technologie REV™, raccourcissant ainsi le délai entre la récolte et les produits de cannabis commercialisables.
La viabilité commerciale de la technologie REV™ a été démontrée et se développe rapidement sur plusieurs verticales de marché dans les secteurs alimentaire, et pharmaceutique, y compris le cannabis légal. La stratégie d'EnWave consiste à signer des licences commerciales assorties de redevances avec des entreprises innovantes et perturbatrices dans de multiples secteurs verticaux pour l'utilisation de la technologie REV™. La société a signé plus de trente licences génératrices de redevances à ce jour. En plus de ces licences, EnWave a créé une société à responsabilité limitée, NutraDried Food Company, LLC, pour fabriquer, commercialiser et vendre des produits de grignotage laitiers entièrement naturels aux États-Unis, notamment la marque Moon Cheese®.
EnWave a présenté REV™ comme la nouvelle norme de déshydratation dans les secteurs de l'alimentation et des matériaux biologiques : plus rapide et moins cher que la lyophilisation, avec une meilleure qualité de produit final que le séchage à l'air ou le séchage par pulvérisation. EnWave dispose actuellement de trois plates-formes commerciales REV™ :
1. nutraREV®, utilisée dans l'industrie alimentaire pour sécher les produits alimentaires rapidement et à faible coût, tout en maintenant des niveaux élevés de nutrition, de goût, de texture et de couleur ; et
2. quantaREV®, utilisée pour le séchage continu, à haut volume et à basse température.
De plus amples informations sur EnWave sont disponibles à l'adresse www.enwave.net.
EnWave Corporation
M. Brent Charleton, CFA
Président-directeur général
Pour plus d'informations :
Brent Charleton, CFA
Président-directeur général +1 (778) 378-9616
Courriel : bcharleton@enwave.net
Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
Directeur financier au +1 (604) 835-5212
E-mail : dhenriques@enwave.net
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