EnWave’s Terpene Max™ REV™ Drying Process Surpasses Industry Averages for Room Dried Cannabis

December 8, 2020

DECEMBER 08, 2020 | 6:00 AM

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”)announces today the successful research and development results of a new terpene retention process for drying cannabis using Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) dehydration technology. Third-party, lab-verified results demonstrate that EnWave’s patented REV™ technology can deliver a higher percentage of retained terpenes, approximately 10% higher, than traditional cannabis drying methods such as air drying or rack/room drying. The Company offers scalable, continuous REV™ machinery that can process up to 28 metric tons of high-terpene, dried cannabis per year using the Terpene Max™ process, and up to 46 metric tons of dried cannabis to be used for extraction purposes per year.

This new process, branded as Terpene Max™, further demonstrates the advantages of the Company’s scalable, proprietary vacuum-microwave drying technology for the global cannabis industry. Terpene Max™ ensures that drying temperatures remain well below 40 degrees Celsius for the entire drying process, which takes less than two hours.

Chart: The data in the chart above was analyzed at an independent testing facility. The results shown represent the average percentage of terpenes retained from three separately analyzed samples of the same batch of dried cannabis.

The initial quantitative results from using the new Terpene Max™ drying program on a specific low-THC cannabis strain demonstrated an average terpene retention level of 88 percent when compared to the fresh flower, making it materially superior to traditional air or rack/room drying where terpene retention averages 79 percent.  

The tests were conducted for the Company by accredited, third-party testing facilities using cannabis product dried with large-scale, continuous REV™ technology at a licensed partner’s facilities against standard room-dried protocols. Further data, analysis and certified results will be released in a white paper that will be published in January 2021.

Terpenes are known to have therapeutic effects and are foundational to aromatherapies. Industry research shows that terpenes from cannabis work synergistically with cannabinoids to deliver a better user experience.

EnWave believes that the Terpene Max™ process has the potential to create an ultra-premium consumer product. The Company will be executing further trials with multiple cannabis strains in the coming months to understand the full potential of Terpene Max™ on ultra-premium combustible flowers.

Since obtaining Health Canada’s approval for its independent cannabis research and development lab, EnWave has used this opportunity to expand research and to develop programs such as Terpene Max™. With a fully commissioned R&D facility, the Company is now available to perform cannabis testing and demonstrations for prospective partners evaluating the use of REV™ technology to process cannabis.

With EnWave now able to conduct on-site trials with various cannabis strains, the perceived technology risk is reduced for prospective licensees.

REV™ drying technology provides cannabis producers with a rapid and gentle drying solution that produces premium cannabis products for both extraction and combustion while significantly reducing processing delays. The REV™ process can also reduce the bioburden in the product and lowers the risk of crop loss due to microbes and other quality issues. REV™ has been embraced by several licensed cannabis and hemp producers in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States of America.

تنزيل البيان الصحفي

نبذة عن EnWave

قامت شركة EnWave Corporation، وهي شركة تكنولوجيا متقدمة مقرها فانكوفر، بتطوير تقنية تفريغ الطاقة المشعة ("REV™") - وهي طريقة مبتكرة مسجلة الملكية لتجفيف المواد العضوية بدقة. وقد طورت EnWave كذلك طرقًا حاصلة على براءة اختراع لتجفيف القنب بشكل موحد وإزالة التلوث من خلال استخدام تقنية REV™، مما يقلل من الوقت من الحصاد إلى منتجات القنب القابلة للتسويق.

وقد تم إثبات الجدوى التجارية لتقنية REV™، وهي تنمو بسرعة في العديد من قطاعات السوق في قطاعات الأغذية والأدوية، بما في ذلك القنب القانوني. وتتمثل استراتيجية EnWave في توقيع تراخيص تجارية مع شركات مبتكرة ومبتكرة في قطاعات متعددة لاستخدام تقنية REV™. وقد وقّعت الشركة أكثر من ثلاثين ترخيصًا تجاريًا خاضعًا للإتاوات حتى الآن. وبالإضافة إلى هذه التراخيص، أنشأت شركة EnWave شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة، وهي شركة NutraDried Food Company, LLC، لتصنيع وتسويق وبيع منتجات الألبان الخفيفة الطبيعية بالكامل في الولايات المتحدة، بما في ذلك العلامة التجارية Moon Cheese®.

قدمت EnWave تقنية REV™ كمعيار جديد للتجفيف في قطاعي الأغذية والمواد البيولوجية: أسرع وأرخص من التجفيف بالتجميد، مع جودة منتج نهائي أفضل من التجفيف بالهواء أو التجفيف بالرذاذ. ولدى EnWave حاليًا ثلاث منصات تجارية لـ REV™:
1. nutraREV®الذي يستخدم في صناعة الأغذية لتجفيف المنتجات الغذائية بسرعة وبتكلفة منخفضة، مع الحفاظ على مستويات عالية من التغذية والطعم والملمس واللون؛ و
2. quantaREV®الذي يستخدم للتجفيف المستمر ذي الحجم الكبير في درجات الحرارة المنخفضة.

يتوفر المزيد من المعلومات عن EnWave على www.enwave.net.

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