EnWave Sells 60kW REV™ Machine to AvoLov, LLC (d.b.a. BranchOut™ Food) for the Production of Innovative Avocado Snacks and Ingredients

May 11, 2021

Vancouver, Columbia Británica

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”) announces today that it has completed the sale of a 60kW Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV™”) machine to AvoLov, LLC d.b.a. BranchOut Food (“BranchOut”), a company based in Bend, Oregon that produces a lineup of “better-for-you” avocado and fruit snacks and ingredients. The 60kW REV™ machine will provide BranchOut with large-scale drying capacity to meet the increasing demand for its portfolio of innovative products made using EnWave’s technology.

EnWave also signed a new royalty-bearing commercial license agreement with BranchOut, granting certain manufacturing exclusivity for its line of avocado snacks and ingredients within North, South and Central America (the “License Agreement”). Under the terms of the License Agreement, BranchOut will pay a royalty to EnWave for all products sold that are manufactured using REV™ technology. The License Agreement also stipulates certain performance measures that are required to maintain exclusivity, including minimum annual equipment purchases and annual minimum royalties payable to EnWave.

BranchOut has spent the last three years perfecting its lineup of REV™-dried products, which are marketed under its BranchOut™ (www.branchoutfood.com) and AvoLov™ (www.avolov.com) brands in the United States. BranchOut markets a lineup of clean-label, better-for-you snacks and ingredients made using REV™ technology and has recently confirmed new distribution with U.S. retailers including Costco, Sam’s Club and Walmart. With the addition of a large-scale 60kW REV™ machine, BranchOut will be able to scale-up manufacturing to meet growing demand.

EnWave’s scalable and reliable REV™ technology can be used to produce shelf-stable fruit and vegetable products that are among the best in nutritional value, taste, texture and colour. EnWave has signed 44 royalty-bearing commercial license agreements with companies that are bringing innovative new products to market using the Company’s patented technology.

Grant of Equity Incentive Options to Investor Relations Consultant

 The Company also announced today that it has granted 25,000 incentive stock options pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan to Jochen Staiger of Swiss Resource Capital, an investor relations firm providing consultation services to the Company for the European capital markets.

The incentive stock options granted to Jochen Staiger are exercisable at a price of $1.37 per share, the last closing price per share on the Company’s common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange on the date of the grant. The incentive stock options are exercisable for a term of five years and will vest quarterly over the next twelve months.  The stock option grant is subject to regulatory approval.


About AvoLov, LLC (d.b.a. BranchOut™ Food)

BranchOut is a family-owned consumer packaged goods company based in Bend, Oregon, that is focused on the development and marketing of ultra-premium better-for-you products that meet the highest standards of quality and taste demanded by today’s consumers. BranchOut’s mission is to disrupt the snacking market with nutritious, healthy fat substitutes that promote and impact healthy living. BranchOut™ offers a healthy and nutritious lineup of fruit snacks and powders that utilizes premium ingredients sourced from the Northern Patagonia region of Chile.

For more information please visit: www.branchoutfood.com and www.avolov.com

Acerca de EnWave

EnWave Corporation, una empresa de tecnología avanzada con sede en Vancouver, ha desarrollado un vacío de energía radiante ("REV™"), un método innovador y patentado para la deshidratación precisa de materiales orgánicos. EnWave ha desarrollado además métodos patentados para secar y descontaminar uniformemente el cannabis mediante el uso de la tecnología REV™, acortando el tiempo desde la cosecha hasta los productos de cannabis comercializables.

La viabilidad comercial de la tecnología REV™ ha quedado demostrada y está creciendo rápidamente en varios mercados verticales de los sectores alimentario y farmacéutico, incluido el cannabis legal. La estrategia de EnWave consiste en firmar licencias comerciales con regalías con empresas innovadoras y disruptivas en múltiples verticales para el uso de la tecnología REV™. Hasta la fecha, la empresa ha firmado más de treinta licencias. Además de estas licencias, EnWave creó una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada, NutraDried Food Company, LLC, para fabricar, comercializar y vender productos lácteos de aperitivo totalmente naturales en Estados Unidos, incluida la marca Moon Cheese®.

EnWave ha introducido REV™ como el nuevo estándar de deshidratación en los sectores alimentario y de materiales biológicos: más rápido y barato que la liofilización, con mejor calidad del producto final que el secado al aire o el secado por pulverización. En la actualidad, EnWave cuenta con tres plataformas comerciales REV™:
1. nutraREV®, que se utiliza en la industria alimentaria para secar productos alimenticios rápidamente y a bajo coste, manteniendo altos niveles de nutrición, sabor, textura y color; y
2. quantaREV®, que se utiliza para el secado continuo de gran volumen a baja temperatura.

Más información sobre EnWave en www.enwave.net.

EnWave Corporation

Sr. Brent Charleton, CFA
Presidente y Consejero Delegado

Para más información:

Brent Charleton, CFA
Presidente y Director General +1 (778) 378-9616
Correo electrónico: bcharleton@enwave.net

Dan Henriques, CA, CPA,
Director Financiero al +1 (604) 835-5212
Correo electrónico: dhenriques@enwave.net

Para consultas de los medios de comunicación:
Correo electrónico: media@enwave.net

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