EnWave Adopts Shareholder Rights Plan

September 30, 2019

SEPTEMBER 30, 2019,6:00 AM

EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”), a global leader in vacuum microwave dehydration technology, announces that its board of directors has adopted a shareholder rights plan (the “Rights Plan“).

The Rights Plan has been adopted to ensure, to the extent possible, that all shareholders of the Company are treated fairly and equally in connection with any take-over bid or other acquisition of control of the Company. The Rights Plan has not been adopted in response to any specific take-over bid or other proposal to acquire control of EnWave and EnWave is not aware of any such pending or contemplated proposals.

At the close of business today, one right will be issued and attached to each common share of EnWave outstanding at such time. The rights will automatically attach to the common shares and no further action will be required by shareholders. A right will also automatically attach to each common share of EnWave issued hereafter.

Subject to the terms of the Rights Plan and to certain exceptions provided therein, the rights will become exercisable in the event that any person, together with joint actors, acquires or announces its intention to acquire 20% or more of the Company’s outstanding common shares without complying with the “Permitted Bid” provisions of the Rights Plan or in circumstances where the application of the Rights Plan is waived in accordance with its terms. The “Permitted Bid” provisions prevent the dilutive effects of the Rights Plan from operating if a take-over bid is made to all holders of common shares of the Company (other than the bidder) by way of a take-over bid circular that remains open for acceptance for a minimum of 105 days and satisfies certain other conditions. In circumstances where a take-over bid does not comply with the requirements of the Rights Plan or where the application of the Rights Plan is not waived in accordance with its terms, the rights holders (other than the acquiring person and joint actors) will be entitled to purchase additional common shares of the Company at a significant discount to the market price.

The Rights Plan has been conditionally approved by the TSX Venture Exchange and is subject to ratification by the shareholders of the Company within six months of its effective date. The Company intends to recommend the ratification of the Rights Plan for approval by its shareholders at the next annual meeting of shareholders to be held in 2020. If ratified by the shareholders, the Rights Plan will have an initial term of three years.  If the Rights Plan is not approved by the shareholders within six months of the effective date of the Rights Plan it, together with the outstanding rights, will terminate and cease to be effective.

A copy of the Rights Plan agreement will be made available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.


Acerca de EnWave

EnWave Corporation, una empresa de tecnología avanzada con sede en Vancouver, ha desarrollado Radiant Energy Vacuum ("REV™"), un innovador método patentado para la deshidratación precisa de materiales orgánicos. La viabilidad comercial de la tecnología REV™ ha quedado demostrada y está creciendo rápidamente en varios mercados verticales de los sectores alimentario, del cannabis legal y farmacéutico. La estrategia de EnWave consiste en firmar licencias comerciales con regalías con líderes de la industria en múltiples verticales para el uso de la tecnología REV™. Hasta la fecha, la empresa ha firmado más de veinte licencias, abriendo ocho sectores distintos del mercado a la comercialización de productos nuevos e innovadores. Además de estas licencias, EnWave ha constituido una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada, NutraDried LLP, para desarrollar, fabricar, comercializar y vender productos de aperitivo de queso totalmente naturales en Estados Unidos bajo la marca Moon Cheese®.

EnWave ha introducido REV™ como el nuevo estándar de deshidratación en los sectores alimentario y de materiales biológicos: más rápido y barato que la liofilización, con mejor calidad del producto final que el secado al aire o el secado por pulverización. En la actualidad, EnWave cuenta con tres plataformas comerciales REV™:
1. nutraREV®, que se utiliza en la industria alimentaria para secar productos alimenticios rápidamente y a bajo coste, manteniendo altos niveles de nutrición, sabor, textura y color; y
2. quantaREV®, que se utiliza para el secado continuo de gran volumen a baja temperatura.

Para más información sobre EnWave, visite www.enwave.net.

EnWave Corporation

Dr. Tim Durance
Presidente y Consejero Delegado

Para más información:
John Budreski, Presidente Ejecutivo, +1 (416) 930-0914
Correo electrónico: jbudreski@enwave.net

Brent Charleton, Vicepresidente Senior de Ventas y Desarrollo Comercial, +1 (778) 378-9616
Correo electrónico: bcharleton@enwave.net

Deborah Honig, Desarrollo Corporativo, Adelaide Capital Markets en el + 1 (647) 203-8793
Correo electrónico: dhonig@enwave.net

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